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Criss Cross Content Options, Design Options & Miscellaneous Features
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Criss Cross Content Options, Design Options & Miscellaneous Features post image

Criss Cross Content Options, Design Options & Miscellaneous Features

Two of the most powerful features of the Thesis framework are its content options and design options. These sections of Thesis allow users to easily include, exclude or customize virtually any part of their website. Using simple meta information, checking boxes or selecting list options make this process a breeze without the need for any coding.

The Criss Cross skin was built with a wide array of options for customizing these sections so you can easily make your website look exactly the way you want it to.

This post will take a look at the different options for building your content and design along with some other miscellaneous features that the skin includes.

Design & Content Options

Skin Content

One of the greatest parts of the Criss Cross skin are its options for content and design styles. Easily customize the title/tagline, posts, pages, comment section, widget areas & more by activating/deactivating their Thesis checkboxes.

Activating the Sidebar Email Form checkbox in content options includes a optin form in your skins sidebar, the form code can be customized within the Thesis skin editor section.

Skin Design

Layout widths, font sizes, font families & color schemes can be customized within the Thesis design options section. Using the handy Thesis color scale you can create beautiful color schemes with one simple click or customize colors individually to your liking.

Miscellaneous Skin Features

In addition to the options previously mentioned, the Criss Cross skin also includes a few more great features.

There are lots of text formatting & image styles that can be easily implemented using HTML or CSS, read about text formatting features in this post or check out the image styles right here.

Criss Cross also comes with its own icon font that can be viewed within your Thesis skin options. Choose from hundreds of icons and use them anywhere on your site!

If you don’t want to use the basic WordPress site title & tagline, you can use the Thesis Header Image option to add your company logo and replace the standard text link.

• Meet the Author • Thomas

Hey, I'm Tom, glad you stopped by my site! Thesis Laboratory is my little spot to share website skins & boxes I develop on the Thesis framework for WordPress. If you would like to get in touch with me, check out my social profiles below:

Ready to Grab the Criss Cross Skin?

Thesis WordPressThere is no doubt Criss Cross will help you create exactly the type of website you desire. At the introductory price of only $27 you can own the skin and use it on as many websites as you like.

Updates are free for life and your purchase also includes full access to the support forums & Thesis Laboratory community. The price wont be $27 for long so don't hesitate, Grab Criss Cross Now!

7 comments… add one
  • Hi Thomas!

    Can’t wait to transform my site into one that’s mobile-first & responsive using your Criss Cross skin.

    Wishing you the best,


    • I too am interested in porting my medical blog to Criss Cross Skin. Neat design with great functionality

  • Great and awesome skin very like this a lot and going to purchase

  • I love the look and feel of the Criss Cross Skin and plan on buying your new Flatisfy skin very soon! Thanks for making it. Bruce

  • I would like to use this skin on my upcoming website. It’s really superb & eye catching design.

  • Thomas, for some reason I cannot get the comments to display on my site when using your theme. I checked options in Wordpress to make sure comments are on and checked each individual page to make sure comments are allowed. I also checked the template in Thesis Skin Editor and the comment design portion is there. Yet, they are still not showing up. Can you please help? Here’s the page I was practicing with: Practice Page

  • Why thesis skin many AWESOME skin?, I’m using Genesis bro :(


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