With the Thesis framework and theme skins, boxes can be built & used for adding content throughout your website. While boxes are great, sometimes regular WordPress widgets are more desirable because they are easy to use and most WP users are very familiar with their implementation.
Since WordPress widgets are a valuable way to build content, Criss Cross was built with two of its own custom widgets. That being said, lets take a look at the widgets built into the Criss Cross skin along with the areas they can be added to.
Criss Cross Widgets
In addition to having a couple exclusive widgets, the Criss Cross skin also provides numerous areas to use these widgets. The After Post/Page Widget adds an area below your content to display widgets. There are also options to use three or four columns of widgets in your footer.
The Widgets
- Promotions Widget – Add a widget box and include a product image, headline, description & call-t0-action link. Great for affiliate promotions.
- Featured Posts List – Include a WordPress Featured Image with your posts to display a thumbnail/headline list of your WordPress posts.
Widget Areas
- Sidebar – Add widgets to the standard sidebar area of your skin.
- After Post/Page – Include a widget after your post/page content.
- Footer Widgets – Include three or four columns of footer widgets.
Users also have the option to remove any widget areas they like by either changing the page template (for example using the ‘No-Sidebars’ template) and or checking/un-checking certain options within the Thesis content section.
Page Templates
Nobody wants every page on their website to look the same. With that in mind, Criss Cross was developed to satisfy all sorts of content needs. There are five great templates to choose from for customizing post or page appearance.
- Full Width Page – Get rid of the skins sidebar and include a full width content area.
- No Sidebars Post – Uses the standard post content area and removes the sidebar.
- No Sidebars Page – Same as the no sidebars post template but used for pages.
- Landing Page – Awesome landing pages (removes header menu & footer widgets).
- Squeeze Page – Similar to the landing page but without any header or footer.